Fingerprints Plus
Fingerprints Plus is accredited by RCMP to
take and submit fingerprints for civilian purposes. Offering convenient and cost-effective
fingerprinting services has been the core value at Fingerprints Plus. We open 7 days a week and our locations offer free parking. We take guaranteed
quality fingerprints and are known for taking high quality and hard to do fingerprints. We have been doing this since 2003.
Save up to $50.00, with our Package offers. Courier fee to FBI is only $25 as part of the package.
Please note that we will not charge any processing fee for FBI fingerprinting service if required by the same person within 12 months after the initial paid services. Please note any Government fee + $10 admin will still apply.
FBI FD-258/FD-1164 Fingerprints
Plus staffs can offer you fingerprints that are taken on livescan and printed
on FD-258/FD-1164 cards. These fingerprints are quality tested and guaranteed not
to fail. They are accepted by FBI and many other jurisdictions. Our staffs are
highly trained to take traditional ink-roll fingerprints as well.
FBI Identity Summary Check Request
FBI Identity
Summary Check involves 3 steps:
1. Create an online application,
pay the fee and take a printout of the confirmation email.
Complete your fingerprint
card FD-258/FD-1164
Send the completed fingerprint
card and the confirmation email to the address provided on the confirmation.
Special packages offered by Fingerprints Plus:
has tried to provide you convenience and reduce your overall cost by offering
you reduced rate packages that also makes your trip to our locations worth it. We
offer following solutions:
Fingerprints only: $61.92 plus taxes
+ Courier to USA: $95.00 Inclusive of taxes
3. Fingerprints + Courier to USA +Application on FBI site: $120.00 inclusive of taxes
We have attempted to reduce your overall cost
by as much as $50.00 plus depending on what type of courier service you choose.
Also, who can’t create this application online, our staffs will help do it.
Convenient locations:
We currently
have 3 locations that open 7 days a week. All locations offer a free parking as
well. We take appointments and walk-ins.
Mississauga North
(Airport Rd./Derry Rd. Area): (416) 656-2245
North York (Near Yorkdale Mall): (416) 635-0505
London:(519) 453-5540
forward to your visit and opportunity to serve you. Thank you for your visit to
our website.
Call us for fast, friendly and
reliable Fingerprinting Services.